Set up One-Click Trading

Step 1: To set up a one-click trading , please go to

You only need to do the setup once.

Step 2: Connect your wallet to the app by clicking on the "Connect Wallet" button on the top right.

Step 3: On your first visit, you will be prompted to set up One-Click Trading. Simply click on the "Let's start" button.

Step 4: Create a 4-digit PIN, and click "Sign" button. Once done, a web3 wallet request for your Signature. Simply click the "Sign" button.

Step 5: Click "Enable Trading" button. Simply confirm the transaction request on your web3 wallet to proceed with creating your trading account.

Step 6: Click "Trade now". You have now finished setting up the One-Click Trading process and ready to start trading on Zeno Exchange.

Last updated